Australian writer & author

Darryl Greer spent the first part of his life in Queensland. Cutting short his education due to his  sheer boredom with school, at the age of fifteen he left to work on a milk run. Over the years he tried his hand as variously a window cleaner, cocktail barman, wine waiter, clerk and car salesman. His recreation was as a guitarist and backing singer in a rather ordinary rock band. 
         At twenty-eight, he studied Law and upon graduation set up his own law firm. After nine years in the tropics, he became disenchanted with constant blue skies, gently swaying coconut palms and scuba-diving on the Great Barrier Reef, sold up his business and moved with his family to London. He practised there for many years, specialising in commercial litigation, returning to Queensland in 2004 and now lives with his wife in the Gold Coast hinterland.
          The Author has written in his spare time for as long as he can remember. For a period he wrote articles for various international magazines. In 2009 he published his début novel, The Election, followed in 2011 by Calvus. 
          Apart from being driven by writing, he lives for his family. Darryl enjoys walking, swimming, travel, theatre, cinema, reading – thrillers of course – and he can still pen a song and play a decent tune on the guitar.  

    The DRAGON in the SNOW  Publication OCTOBER 2015 CUSTOM BOOKS imprint

RRP* US16.95   /GBP13.95/EURO 15.95   /AU$22.95   /NZ$24.95|



A first-rate drummer in a third-rate rock band, Gary's life is going nowhere until his chance encounter with Helena. His spirits are uplifted and with her help, he tackles his drug addiction, but the LSD flashbacks continue.

When Helena suggests they spend some time at her parents’ country cottage, he is excited by the prospect of being alone with his new love.

Despite heavy snowdrifts cutting them off from the rest of society, the couple’s first day there is idyllic. But their peace is shattered when the cottage is invaded by an axe-wielding psychopath.

An emotional avalanche for a mild mannered drummer as he battles something far worse than his imagined dragons.

A Dragon in the Snow is powerful, provocative …  

Publication October 2015
Released 24 November 2015
ISBN 978 1505231014

PRINT Format:153 x 229 mm 
US Trade Paperback
Extant 220pp 
eBOOK All Formats 

    SLEEPING WITH ANGELS  Published 2014 CUSTOM BOOKS imprint

RRP* US16.95   /GBP13.95/EURO 15.95 /AU$22.95   /NZ$24.95|

Comments & Reviews

Murder, evil and injustice…

Most of the large law firms held Christmas parties but Anderson’s were renown for the attendance of judges, eminent silks, the brightest stars from the Bar’s junior ranks and the odd politician. No expense was spared – the champagne was champagne, the caviar, Russian beluga – not a sausage roll was to be seen.

The opulence of Anderson & Co was not restricted to the second floor. When the lift doors opened at the lower level, Mark was surprised at the facilities… the kidney-shaped swimming pool with the jacuzzi at one end, bubbling and steaming as if on the verge of eruption. Subtle lighting and strategic shrubbery made it hard to believe he was actually in the basement of a city law firm.

Ahead were various exercise machines. Entering the gym area, quietly impressed at the lengths the firm had gone to keep their staff fit, he gagged, almost vomiting at the scene.

In the centre of the room, lying face down on a bench was the well-built body of a young man, perhaps around his own age. He was naked. Legs were splayed obscenely apart and one had slipped to the floor. His head was twisted around so that his face – eyes open in a deathly stare – was directed at Mark. Clearly, there had been a struggle.

Pink tape, the type used by solicitors to tie up their briefs to barristers, was twisted several times around his neck, the ends draped untidily over the bench…

Sleeping with Angels
is compelling, challenging …  


 Published: 19 October 2014
ISBN 978 1503060081
Released February 2015

PRINT Format:153 x 229 mm 
US Trade Paperback
Extant 216pp 

    AGNUS DEI  Published 2014 CUSTOM BOOKS imprint

 RRP* US16.95   /GBP13.95/EURO 15.95   /AU$22.95   /NZ$24.95|

Comments & Reviews

I have downloaded Agnus Dei on my Kindle app, and cannot put it down! AR, Perth

I have read Agnus Dei and enjoyed it immensely.  I must say that I didn’t expect it to end the way it did (and I usually can predict the ending).  I will be keeping an eye out for your next novel. CS, Redland Bay

Just finished reading Agnus Dei last night.  I really enjoyed the story, found it a bit confronting at times especially regarding the details of injuries to the little girls but the suspense kept going. Well done! It was a good read. Detailed, suspenseful and a page turner. I enjoyed reading about the behind the scenes workings of the court; and the lawyers who profit from repeat offenders. LB, Broadbeach

A gripping novel of evil, justice, 
sacrifice and atonement

As a junior barrister, Brendan Connolly receives a brief to defend a notorious paedophile.

Although only assisting a QC, the silk is compromised mid-trial and forced to resign, leaving Brendan to assume the defence. He achieves the almost impossible – a verdict of not guilty by way of insanity – but the prospect of turning the predator loose proves too much for the sincere and principled young barrister. In a shock move he dumps his girlfriend, defies his parents and quits the Bar to become a Jesuit priest.

Twenty years later, hearing confession, he is confronted by the very same man. Coerced into defending his latest charge of murder, Brendan finds a unique way of turning the tables on the evil predator.  


Agnus Dei twists and turns its way through a maze of evil deeds and moving challenges. With thrilling developments in a life or death pursuit of justice and retribution, the unexpected is always around the corner, heightening the suspense, right to the last pages!

 Published: 19 February 2014
Released 26 May 2014
ISBN 978 1494369682

PRINT Format:153 x 229 mm 
US Trade Paperback
Extant 226pp 
eBOOK All Formats 


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