PHYLLIS J. Perry ...
   USA author & writer

Award-winning author Phyllis J. Perry, grew up in a small gold mining town in northern California. She attended the University of California and the University of Colorado. A member of the Colorado Authors League and the SCBWI, she has published stories, poems, plays and articles and more than 70 books of fiction and non-fiction for both children and adults. She lives in Colorado and enjoys her writing. 

    HIDDEN AWAY  The Geocaching Craze published 2012 CUSTOM BOOKS imprint

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Prior Publications

Amongst more than 80 books, recent award winning publications include:
Animals Under the Ground (2001) 
Animals that Hibernate (2001) 
The Secret of the Silver Key (2003) 
A Kid's Look at Colorado (2005) 
Sherlock Hounds (2007) 
Colorado Fun (2007) 
Field Guide to Ocean Animals (2008) 
The Ghost in the Music Room (2009) 
Pandas' Earthquake Escape (2010) 
Jerks in Colorado History (2011)
HIDDEN AWAY (2012) Custom Books
WONDER WORLD (2013) Custom Books
TOO MANY SECRETS (2014) Custom Books
TOGETHER (2014) Custom Books



A story about geocaching and skateboarding, intended for all enthusiasts and the young at heart, but particularly those aged 10-14.

The International symbol for Geocaching

is an outdoor recreational activity in which the participants use a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver or other mobile device and other navigational techniques to hide and seek containers, called geocaches or caches, anywhere in the world. A typical cache is a small waterproof container containing a logbook where the geocacher enters the date found and signs it with established code name. Plastic storage containers may hold items for trading, usually toys or trinkets of little value.

Geocaches are currently placed in over two hundred countries around the world and on all seven continents, including Antarctica, and the International Space Station. After more than twelve years of activity, there are nearly two million active geocaches published on various online sites. Some estimates suggest there are more than five million geocachers worldwide.  

Comments & Reviews

''I am a real geocaching nut.. My son is now much more enthusiastic after reading  your book... I have to admit I sneaked a peek and ended up reading it myself... enjoyed it thoroughly. gave it 4.5 at Amazon.  John Darling, Calgary, Canada

My friends and I go geocaching whenever we can. The book  is great. Annie P., Texas

We have to write a review for our English master at school  on each book we read. I also geocache so I really enjoyed it. 'Tim Tam', Surrey, UK

First Published October 2012
Second Edition
ISBN 978 1501001994
FORMAT 5x8  127x203mm
US Trade Paperback
Extant 108pp
EBOOK All Formats

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    TOO MANY SECRETS  Published in 2014 CUSTOM BOOKS imprint - July 2014 Second edition Noveletta imprint

Should she tell?

It all changes when a fire breaks out in the middle of the night, destroying her home… Meg was looking forward to the winter holidays before returning to her last semester at Foothills Middle School where she hopes to be chosen as a cheerleader.

To avoid changing schools, Meg finds a way to stay in town while the rest of the family moves in with her grandparents. She will live with old Mrs. Coles in her mansion on the hill.

But secrets weigh on Meg. 

Her brother has a secret as to the cause of the fire. Mrs. Coles keeps information about her health from her daughter. And Meg’s secret involves the robbery of Mrs. Coles’ silver. Which secrets should she keep… which should be revealed?

 A story for teens and tweens…


First Published: February 2014
ISBN 978-1500661236

FORMAT 5x8  127x203mm
US Trade Paperback
Extant 126pp
EBOOK All Formats

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    WONDER WORLD  published 2013 CUSTOM BOOKS Classic imprint - July 2014  Noveletta imprint

Comments & Reviews

''My 12 year-old daughter thought this was good... she  actually sat down with her Kindle and read it to the end - probably a first. Has to be 4/5  just to hold her attention." Marion Dodges, NSW Australia

Loved the book but a bit slow - but he did visit some good places.. Susie Oxham, Sydney

I am 14. My teacher has everyone write a review of each book we read - just a few lines. I liked the book and the characters. I enjoyed all the places they went. - Jenny Phillips, Temple High, Toronto Ca

 We read all our books before we put them on the shelves. Its great to have a well-written teens book without problems. Anglicare Library Services, UK

A Grand Adventure

Summer vacation holds little promise for Oliver until his grandmother offers him the opportunity to tour Great Britain with him. He quickly accepts...

With only several children and some unpromising adults, too late he realizes there are few others on the tour with whom he can make friends.

In England, Scotland, and Wales, however, Oliver finds friends in unpredictable places. He and eighty-year old Mr. Hahn spend time together, and he finds an ally in the Scots bus driver when he seeks to meet a popular British band.

He achieves hero status when he fearlessly races after a thief and recovers a purse stolen outside York Cathedral. By the time the Wonder World tour ends, Oliver has discovered that friends can be young or old and that friendship is forged in the most unexpected ways.

Friendship is a grand adventure...... For 8-16 year-olds

First Published March 2013
ISBN 978 150831318

FORMAT 5x8  127x203mm
US Trade Paperback
Extant 126pp
EBOOK All Formats

Rights available

    TOGETHER   published 2014 CUSTOM BOOKS Noveletta imprint


Holly woke in the hospital bed…

The Fourth of July accident had taken the lives of her mother and father, and she faced a future filled with both change and challenge.

Living with her grandparents on ten acres out in the country would be a lot different from living in town. It meant a new school, and new friends. When she is not invited to an 'old' friend's birthday party, she realizes that she cannot live in the past.

Holly forms a bond with her Granddad when she studies to become a ham radio operator, and join him in his favourite pastime. When he has what seems to be a heart attack, a fall fishing trip almost turns into a tragedy. Holly's new knowledge of amateur radio helps save the day.

Only when Gram and Holly bring Granddad home from the hospital does Holly realize how important the three of them are to each other… TOGETHER.

Published JULY 2014
ISBN 978-1500507763 

FORMAT 5x8  127x203mm
US Trade Paperback
Extant 120pp
EBOOK All Formats

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   SCUBA 4EVER   published 2015 CUSTOM BOOKS Noveletta imprint

Scuba 4Ever!

Megan wins the ice cream contest and next day is on TV. Terri's brother is pictured in the paper winning a school trophy. Her sister, Lynn, appears cheering at the basketball game. Terri feels like a nobody.

Her life looks up when Terri, Megan, Brett, Brian, and Clarissa all audition for the school play and Terri is called back to read for the lead. But walking home, she slips on the ice and breaks her arm. Clarissa gets her role in the play... can anything else go wrong?

With her cast removed and feeling low, she is just in time to take the trip to the Blue Hole to scuba dive. Again Clarissa causes more problems but Terri is at home in the water. Whatever else the future brings, has Terri found her niche?

She is confident it will be Scuba 4Ever.

Published MARCH 2015
ISBN 978-1505230857

FORMAT 5x8  127x203mm
US Trade Paperback
Extant 130pp
EBOOK All Formats

Rights available



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