... UK born author & writer

Born in Norfolk, England, the author graduated from the University of Liverpool UK and for more than forty years pursued a successful career as a marine scientist in Canada, New Zealand, the Pacific Islands and Australia. He served as Editor or a member of the Editorial Board of several international scientific journals and served as a leader in science policy and education worldwide. He now lives in Queensland, Australia where he is pursuing his love of creative writing and traditional botanical art using watercolours and focusing on tropical flora.


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Sequel to Peculiar …

A Story of Otherland.

The wonderland of the Karst Mountains in Guilin, China and the caves within them are a famous tourist attraction.

A team of British explorers descend on the city in search of long extinct giant dinosaurs, which supposedly dwell in one of the huge unexplored caves.

They discover several spectacular caves – all previously unknown. Are the Sauropods living there? What other wonders are to be found and are the Guilin caves the long-lost Otherland?

Their astonishing discoveries will change our understanding of the survival of the dinosaurs and the evolution of modern humans.

A provocative, intriguing merger of fantasy and reality!

PUBLISHED February 2017

ISBN 978

PRINT Format:153x229 mm 
6x9 Trade Paperback
Extant  194 pp 
eBOOK All Formats 



    PECULIAR ... A story of Otherland      Published 2015 CUSTOM BOOKS Classic Imprint

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PECULIAR …A Story of Otherland

Rodney is a superb artist, able to produce realistic sketches of people from memory. It is his art that supports him on his journey through life. He knows from an early age that he is different – or as his sister Wendy puts it – he is peculiar.

When sixteen, he and his friends, Ches and David, are unwittingly catapulted into the fantasy world of Otherland – a place where everyone is somehow different from real life. They survive the experience but can they now succeed in real life and find their proper niche in society.

A brilliant mix of real life and fantasy provocative, challenging and intriguing!


   Published October 2015
Released MARCH 2016
ISBN 978

PRINT Format:153 x 229 mm 
6x9 Trade Paperback
Extant  264 pp 
eBOOK All Formats 

   THE STORK IS AN ALBATROSS - Published 2016 CUSTOM BOOKS Noveletta imprint

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From the day of his birth, Martin's parents perpetuated the myth that he – and later his brother Jeremy – were delivered by Stork. The stork was a wooden effigy on the roof of the Stork Nursing Home, until it came to its demise and was smashed to smithereens on the driveway.

As Martin grew up the Stork came to symbolise all that was to do with begetting babies and any direct mention of such a forbidden subject was swept under the carpet. Unable to dismiss this feathered creature, it became part of Martin's nightmares. His brother Jeremy and his best friend Stanley were non-believers.

Martin's love life was initially plagued by two provocative identical twins, that is until they moved away. It was Helen, the beautiful girl from the High with whom Martin then became smitten. Unknown to them both it was a Dutch Stork, a wanderer from the Netherlands who came to plague their lives. Would they be able to escape it, or would it become an Albatross around their necks?

A humorous story for those of us who were hoodwinked into believing that there was a Stork and that it delivered us in white nappies.

PUBLISHED September 2016

RELEASED December 2016
PRINT Format:127x203 mm 
US Trade Paperback
Extant 125pp 
ISBN 9781 537517506



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